We specialize in the installation of medical gas systems, in surgery centers, nursing homes, dental offices and veterinary clinics.
We have successfully completed installations and upgrades of medical gas systems in over 150+ facilities nationwide. All installations are completed to meet current NFPA standards and local requirements.
We also consult on plan reveiw to ensure that they meet the needs of the clients. Keeping these needs in mind as well as the current codes and requirements this process could potentially save our clients time delays and construction costs.
We sell & install retro-fits for alarm panels and medical gas outlets as well as manifold upgrades.
We take pride in completing our projects neatly and efficiently, Our attention to detail is evident in our finished product.
Secondary Equipment

Flow meters / Humidifiers Hose Assemblies

Medical Fittings Suction Regulators

Oxygen Analyzers H Tank Wall Brackets

Pipeline Marks / Valve Tags / Door Signs
Pipeline Equipment

Med-Gas Outlets Alarm/Combo Zone Valve Digital Manifold
Source Equipment

Medical Vacuum Medical Air System
Veterinary / Dental Equipment
Surgical Suction Oxygen Generator

Active Scavenger/ Suction System Oxygen Manifold / Alarm